Due to recent health concerns around public gatherings, The Commons and The Driftless Writing Center have chosen to POSTPONE this event. Thank you for your understanding.
Focusing on craft and form, we will explore how white space, caesuras, the em dash and elliptical poetry is used effectively by other poets, including C.D. Wright, Simon Ortiz, Allison Adelle Hedge Coke, Adrienne Rich, Jean Valentine, Claudia Rankine, Joan Naviyuk Kane, and Layli Long Soldier. Please bring one poem on any subject to edit during our time together.
WHEN: Saturday, March 14 at 10:00 am – 12 noon
WHERE: The Commons Cafe Dining Room
COST: $35 per person (inquire about scholarship opportunities)
Pre-registration requested: driftlesswritingcenter.org
Registration form here:
More info: driftlesswritingcenter@gmail.com or 608-492-1669
Angie Trudell Vasquez received her MFA in creative writing with a concentration in poetry from the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, NM, and was a Ruth Lilly fellow as a Drake University undergraduate.

Her work has been published in Taos Journal of Poetry, Yellow Medicine Review, Raven Chronicles, Return to the Gathering Place of the Waters, and Cloudthroat, and appears on the Poetry Foundation’s website. She has new work forthcoming in RED INK: International Journal of Indigenous Literature, Arts & Humanities.