WHAT: Paul Zimmer Reading
WHEN: Sat, March 21, 2015, 7pm – 10pm
WHERE: Theater, Community Room (map)
Description: Bramble Books and Driftless Writing Center Presents: Nationally Acclaimed Author Paul Zimmer Reading from his newly released novel, The Mysteries of Soldiers Grove (Permanent Press 2015).
Paul has published twelve books of poetry, two books of memoir, and a book of essays. His writing has been awarded eight Pushcart Prizes, three for poetry, four for prose, one for fiction, and he was twice awarded Writing Fellowships from the National Endowments for the Arts. Paul directed three ongoing university presses, Pittsburgh, Georgia and Iowa, and initiated the Flannery O’Connor Award Series for short fiction at the University of Georgia Press. Along with the Pushcarts, Paul has received numerous awards for his writing: Award for Literature from the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters; five times named Notable Essay from Best Essays of the Year; and his book of poems, Great Bird of Love was selected for the National Poetry Series. Paul was at the atomic bomb tests, serving as a draftee in the army in l954, and witnessed eight atomic explosions from trenches 1 to 3 miles from ground zero; a life changing experience. Paul has been a quiet neighbor here in the Driftless for over twenty-seven years. If you haven’t met him, please do. Reading Begins at 7:00pm.
This is a Free Event. RSVP not necessary, but appreciated.
Books available for sale (cash or check please). Refreshments in the community room.
Contact: driftlesswritingcenter@gmail.com Jennifer Morales, 608/675-3779 or
Edward Schultz, 608/624-5155 OR:
Bramble Books 637-8717, bramblebooksellers@yahoo.com
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