WHEN: Sundays ~ 9:00 – 10:00 AM
WHERE: The Commons Sky Research Laboratories
WHAT: Hygienic Eurythmy.
COST: $15 suggested donation.
Therapeutic Eurythmy is an essential modality of Anthroposophical Medicine, which is an enlivened approach to healing that recognizes the spiritual reality in human beings and its contribution to understanding and treating illness. In Therapeutic Eurythmy, the Eurythmist works one-on-one with a patient and their doctor to offer prescriptive exercises for the cure of particular ailments.
In Hygienic Eurythmy, the Eurythmist works with groups of people, guiding the class through adapted therapeutic forms and exercises which are good for the general health of all. We are very excited to be able to offer this ongoing weekly Hygienic Eurythmy session, every Sunday morning.
Please wear clothes comfortable for movement.