Art Exhibit: Sophia Rising

When: Exhibition on display from July 5th – 30th.
Where: The Commons Gallery.
What: Art Exhibit.
Cost: Free.

Curated by Mary Christenson and Chris Rose, this exhibit offers a dynamic multi-media group show featuring artists working in the light of Anthroposophy and the indications of Rudolf Steiner. All works are from people who have lived, or spent much time visiting, here in the Driftless region of Wisconsin. Offering a selection of work that beautifully illustrates over 30 years of spiritual research, through the medium of visual art.

The Sophia Rising exhibition features the artworks of Leo Klein, Diane Goettlicher, Dennis Klocek, Charles Andrade, Frank Chester, Kitzy McHenry, Keiko Papia, Barbara Thompson, Joshua Ecklund, Anne-Marie Fryer, Lucien Dante Lazar, Maureen Karlstad and Rudolf Steiner

On the evening of July 5th, the exhibition will open at 6:00 PM, along with dazzling musical performances by Mark John, presenting some of his stunning Music of the Periodic Table, the warming electronic meditations of Circulation of Light and iconoclastic mystery school court music from The Pan Orpheus Ensemble.