Full Moon Astrology Meet Ups

When: Third Monday of each month, at 5:30 PM
What: Astrology meet-up.
Cost: Suggested donation: $10 but noone is turned away due to lack of funds

All who are interested in the art of Astrology, we invite you to put down your fancy apps and look towards the sky. Our forebears were able to viscerally intuit the vast network of insights and influences that the stars and planets are constantly reflecting back down onto Earth. Let’s claim our inheritance and hone our skills by attempting to actually feel and sense what is happening in the sky.

One easy way to learn more about Astrology is to track the movements of the Moon. As she circles the entire Zodiac every month, visiting every sign – and thereby also making every possible aspect and placement therein, we can compile our monthly observations, which allows us to comprehend notable characteristics and signatures of any celestial placements. We will make use of this perpetual cycle and attempt to glean what we can by checking in on her once a month.

Our Moonday meet-ups will involve a brief description of the current sky weather, followed by a brief meditative or contemplative moment, orienting ourselves towards the Moon’s physical position and attempting to be open and receptive to what we sense there, and ending with a freeform discussion.

All experience levels are welcome.

Get in touch with cr@thecommonsviroqua.org for more info.