When: 1st and 3rd Sunday from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Where: The Commons Gallery
Healing Hearts Care Choir
Our choir honors the ancient tradition of singing at the bedsides of people who are struggling: some with living, some with dying.
Rehearsals / Basking in the energy of healing song
1st & 3rd Sundays of the month
The Commons Community Room
2pm – 3:30pm – Rehearsal
Community Members are welcome to bask – please email if you plan to attend.
Suggested $5 donation
For more information contact Kva Mary: TrueNatureEnergeticHealing@gmail.com
What We Do in the Community
Our choir honors the ancient tradition of singing at the bedsides of people who are struggling: some with living, some with dying.
Song is a calming medicine communicating care, belonging and love at the deepest level. Every mother who has sung to her child and every child who has rested in that Mother’s arms knows the power and remembers the feeling of being held in this way.
We sing for our own healing; we sing to share that healing energy; we sing to open our hearts and share our love for humanity. We sing for peace, compassion and community.
When we are invited to a bedside, we will visit in groups of 2 to 4 singers. We invite families and caregivers to join us in song or to participate by listening. Most of the songs we offer communicate ease, comfort, sacredness and presence. Other pieces may include rounds, chants, lullabies, hymns, spirituals, and choral music. We know that many communities of faith surround their members with this kind of circle of comfort; because our songs are not religiously oriented, we hope our singing can be equally available to those who might be deeply spiritual but not necessarily religious.
A session typically lasts about 20 minutes; if there appears to be benefit, we might sing longer. Using soft, lullaby voices, we blend in harmony or sometimes in unison, if that provides the most comfort. We offer our singing as gentle blessings, not as entertainment, and we are honored when a client falls asleep as we are singing.
The service is our gift; there is no charge.