WHAT: YIHS hosts an evening of stories from some of the Driftless area’s best amateur storytellers along chosen themes. Local community members come out to share their stories — in all formats and all range of emotions.
WHEN: Annually: TBD
he next Truth be Told storytelling event is coming up soon! The theme for the evening’s storytelling will be “Less is More.”
Storytellers, we need you! If you have a story to share, please contact Sheila Sherwin @shesherwin@mac.com
Mark your calendar!
“Food for Thought” taco truck: @6:30
Doors: @7:00
Storytelling: @7:30
All proceeds benefit Youth Initiative High School
Nov 9, 2013: www.facebook.com/events/220330564810965/
WDRT: wdrt.org/truth-told/
NOT TO BE MISSED! Real life stories told by some of the region’s best amateur storytellers.
The next “Truth be Told” storytelling event is Saturday, November 9th!!
7:30pm at The Ark (doors open at 6:30)
“OMG…What the…?” as told by:
Frank Wildingway
Nam Nilawong
Elliot Medow
Jack Corbin
Margot Hipwell
Vince Hundt
Steve Lawless
David Hibbard-Rode
John Sherwin
Char Elderkin